Terms and Conditions of tattoo service
My Policy
Terms & Conditions 2022 – valid without signature by payment of agreed upon deposit.
If you ever feel unfairly treated, please always communicate this to me so we can work out an agreement and keep the mood and the outcome positive. If at any point you need to change, amend or modify and aspect of our work together, contact me directly.
Here are some conditions that I believe all clients should understand before moving forward with any work. Read then completely and ask any questions necessary to ensure your complete understanding.
Financial Terms:
To plan time for your tattoo I need a deposit payment.
By paying the deposit you automatically agree to what is laid out in this statement. This statement acts as a terms and conditions for our work together.
The amount of this deposit is variable depending on the project and stated below.
The deposit is going to be deducted from the last session of this project.
Deposits are non-refundable so plan well before placing any money in the account.
Please always communicate any delay or other event that interferes with your appointment with me as soon as possible so I can accommodate your situation to my best ability. If notified within 72 hours of appointment i will require another deposit.
Tattoo Terms
Art is never sent beforehand. When you arrive for the first appointment you will get to check out and okay the artwork. If any changes are needed, I will do so right then. If it's a complete design change, we will have to reschedule at the soonest date that works for both of us. Usually within a week or two.
Once we start the process of your tattoo, I will tattoo and you will get tattooed. Trust is an important aspect of this process. I trust you to care for your tattoo and show up on the agreed upon times, you trust me to do quality work.
I won’t make any changes to anything we agreed upon without consulting you unless you have explicitly given me this kind of creative freedom. I will do my best to explain my choices to you and ensure that you feel educated in the decisions being made.
If you suggest changes mid-project, I am not comfortable with for aesthetic or other reasons, I reserve the right to finish my work as planned (if possible) before implementing those changes to avoid regrets on both sides.
Of course, my main goal is to finish the project to YOUR satisfaction, but your trust and patience is necessary for our work together.
To protect my privacy and creative freedom, I reserve the right to pause or terminate the project should working with you become intolerable due to your neglect of any of the points in these Terms and Conditions.
You acknowledge by signing this agreement that you have been given the full opportunity to ask all questions which you might have about the obtaining of a tattoo and that all your questions have been answered to your full satisfaction. You specifically acknowledge to have been advised of the facts and matters set forth below and agree as follows:
If You have any condition that might affect the healing of this tattoo, you will advise me. You are not pregnant or nursing. You are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
You do not have medical or skin conditions such as but not limited to: acne, scarring (Keloid) eczema, psoriasis, freckles, moles or sunburn in the area to be tattooed that may interfere with said tattoo. If you have any type of infection or rash anywhere on your body, you will advise me and we will come up with a plan that benefits the outcome of the tattoo, and is agreed upon by both you the clinet, and me the artist.
You acknowledge it is not reasonably possible for me to determine whether you might have an allergic reaction to the pigments or processes used in your tattoo, and you agree to accept the risk that such a reaction is possible. Patch tests are recommended for all tattoos. If a patch test has been previously performed, proof of receipt of patch test must be provided to ensure pigments used are of same type, quality, and quantity as those previously tested.
You acknowledge that infection is always possible as a result of the obtaining of a tattoo, particularly in the event that you do not take proper care of your tattoo. You will receive custom-made tattoo aftercare instructions and agree to follow them while your tattoo is healing. You agree that any touch-up work needed, due to your own negligence, will be done at your own expense.
You realize that variations in color and design may exist between any tattoo as selected by you and as ultimately applied to your body. You understand that variations in the appearance of the color of your tattoo are possible depending on the color and condition of your skin.
You understand that if you have any skin treatments, laser hair removal, plastic surgery or other skin altering procedures, it may result in adverse changes to your tattoo.
You acknowledge that a tattoo is a permanent change to your appearance and that no representations have been made to you as to the ability to later change or remove your tattoo. To your knowledge, you do not have a physical, mental or medical impairment or disability which might affect your well-being as a direct or indirect result of your decision to have a tattoo.
You acknowledge to be over the age of eighteen and that you have truthfully represented to your Tattoo Artist that the obtaining of a tattoo is by your choice alone. You consent to the application of the tattoo and to any actions or conduct for the procedure.